All are welcome at St. Francis and we invite you to learn more about us. St. Francis is a place where you will find…
Christ is the center of our spiritual life.
Liturgical worship in a setting that is casual yet reverent.
Open communion for all baptized Christians in a welcoming circle of fellowship.
What to Expect
When we gather on Sunday mornings we worship out of the Book of Common Prayer . The service is contained in bulletins to make it easier for guests to follow the service.
We celebrate the Eucharist at Sunday service. All are welcome to participate fully and receive the Eucharist.
Our flow of our services can be found in the bulletin and generally follows this pattern:
We gather in the Worship Space and begin services with hymns and prayers.
The children leave for Children's Church in a procession near the beginning of the service.
We listen to readings from the Holy Scriptures, both Old Testament and New Testament, and a sermon.
We say prayers and offer thanks to God guided by the Book of Common Prayer.
We exchange the peace and make community announcements.
We pray the Eucharist Prayer and the priest offers thanks for the bread and wine.
The congregation sings the Lord's Prayer and a hymn as the priest breaks the bread.
Bread and wine are offered to all who wish to partake (It is perfectly acceptable to come forward for a blessing only, to only take the bread and not the wine, or to remain in your seat).
Finally we are blessed by the priest and dismissed by the deacon to be Christ’s presence in the world.
We at Saint Francis take our liturgy seriously but we do not take ourselves too seriously. Worship is lively and engaging with children welcome to participate in the services. You will see people standing, sitting, and kneeling at different times in the service. Many people cross themselves at certain times in the service as a reminder of the Trinity-Father, Son, and Holy Spirit being present in our minds, hearts, and all around us. Many people choose not to cross themselves at all. There is no right or wrong here.
When you Visit
When you visit we will ask you to sign our guest book so that we can send you a letter from our clergy and follow up with an email. We will never pressure or overwhelm you. We enjoy having visitors so many people may come up and greet you.
If you are a first time visitor, or are uncertain about what to do during services, a greeter would be happy to sit with you and guide you through the service.
If you would like more information about St. Francis please contact our Welcome Team via email at